Engleza, întrebare adresată de torag, 10 ani în urmă

10 propoziti cu if in limba engleza va rog ajutatima

artiommalcoci: daca

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de artiommalcoci
1 if today i go at school my mom will buy me a toy
daca merg azi la scoala mama o sa imi cumpere o jucarie
2 if i will get 10 at math i go to zoo
daca primesc 10 am sa merg la zoo
3 if i read this book i go at my friend
daca citesc aceasta carte ma duc la prietenii mei

artiommalcoci: 4 if i go to my friend i dont have time do to the homework
artiommalcoci: 5 if do the homework at english i got 10
artiommalcoci: 6 if i take more ceck i got the first place
MariMari: Tu e tocmai corecta ordinea cuvintelor in propozitii, sa stii ^-^'
artiommalcoci: 7 if i work hard at school i have the good mark
artiommalcoci: 8 if you go at home you dont will bo come back
artiommalcoci: 9 if you make more cacke it is so good
artiommalcoci: 10 if you can to do this you are so lucky!
artiommalcoci: poate pe undeva am mai gresit dar nu cred ca am multe greseli
Răspuns de CameliaIgnat
1. If you drink more alcohol than you can handle you'll get drunk.
=Daca bei mai mult alcool decat poti tolera,o sa te imbeti.
2. If you go to bed late you won't have a good rest.
=Daca te culci tarziu nu te vei odihni bine.
3. If you drink more water your skin will be well hydrated.
=Daca bei mai multa apa pielea ta va fi mai hidratata.
4. If I would have plucked my eyebrows I would have looked better.
=Daca mi-as fi pensat sprancenele as fi aratat mai bine.
5. If Mary didn't steal the car,then who did?
=Daca nu Mary a furat masina,atunci cine?
6. Don't expect high grades if you don't study at home.
=Nu te astepta la note mari daca acasa nu inveti lectiile.
7. If the plane crashed,the passengers would have died.
=Daca avionul s-ar fi prabusit,pasagerii ar fi murit.
8. Get a designated driver if you know you'll be drunk!
9. She won't die if she tries.
=Ea nu va muri daca incearca.
10. Don't dye your hair if you don't want to damage it!
=Nu iti vopsi parul daca nu vrei sa ti-l deteriorezi!
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