Engleza, întrebare adresată de pavel21, 8 ani în urmă

10 propoziti despre camera mea in engleza

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nicccollljv
1.My room is a small but a comfortable one.
2.I have a lot of toys inside my room and pictures on the walls.
3.My bed is very soft.
4.On my desk l've got a bunch of CD's with my favorite songs.
5.My carpet is dark Blue and very fluffy.
6.I have a big window.
7.The closet is to the left of the office.
8.The ceiling is light pink.
9.The Tv is in front of the bed.
10.Maybe, my room isn't that awsome, but for me is very cool.
Răspuns de alexabrinza
my room is big,clean and very welcoming.
it is my favourite room of the house becouse here i have silince ,pace and i can do my activities with nobody else.
my bedroom is between  the kitchen and my parents room.
here i have a table where i do my homework,many books,a tv ,chairs ,and pictures on the wall.
everything from my room discribes me becouse i wanted to look in it and to see me.
when we look at the window we see a park and a lot of blocks.
the room has everything i need for a day like a mirror to look at me in the morning,a woardrobe where i have my clothes ...
my and my friends call  my room,,My Place'' 'couse here i stay all the day long when it is rainning or it is snowing or when i am sick.
here i am me and my room is unique for me ....
i love ,,My place'' ....it is special for me 

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