10 propoziții în engleza la perfect simple!!!! VA ROG!!!! ÎMI TREBUIE RAPID!!!!
Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. I have written an essay (Am scris un eseu)
2.You have seen the film (Tu ai văzut filmul.)
3.He has left to the station. (El a plecat la gară.)
4.She has grown up (Ea a crescut)
5.It has crossed the street. (Ea a traversat strada)
6.We have bought a new TV. (Noi am cumpărat un televizor nou.)
7.You have called her up (Voi aţi sunat-o.)
8.They have thought about their future. (Ei s-au gândit la viitorul lor.)
9.The rains have returned in our country. (Ploile s-au întors în ţara noastră.)
10.Jane and David have finished their homework. (Jane şi David şi-au au terminat tema)
1) I have arrived at home.
2) You have eaten all the cake
3) His wife has bought a new piece of furniture.
4) My mom has cooked all day.
5) I have written a letten to my friend.
6) They have lived together since 2000.
7) When I called my mom, She has already left.
8) The teacher has said that is important to learn.
9) I have seen my grandfa at the shop.
10) My father have read 150 pages from that book.
Sper că te-am ajutat și să fie bine ce am făcut...!