Engleza, întrebare adresată de bianca5712, 8 ani în urmă

12 propoziții cu lunile (în engleză).
Exemplu:We celebrate Easter in may.
Vă rog dau coroană!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de erica37


January is the first month of the year

In February is very cold

Women's Day is in March

April is a warm month

Easter is in the may

June is Children's Day

July is a hot month

August is the last month of summer

We start school in September

November is a cold month

There is snow in December

bianca5712: Mulțumesc
erica37: cu plăcere
bianca5712: Ambele răspunsuri sunt foarte bune nu știu cui să-i dau coroană
Răspuns de mitocondrie


1. The first month of the year is January.

2. In February, my family and I love to go skiing at a ski resort.

3. All the nature, flowers, trees start to bloom and regain life in March.

4. Every child loves one date in April: April the first.

5. May is the first month when you can sit on the grass, because the earth și warmer.

6. June starts off with child's day, so it becomes the happiest month.

7. July is the hottest month, we finally can go for a swim.

8. We can see the first signs of autumn in August since summer is coming to an end.

9. Pack you backpack, choose your favourite pen because in September school starts.

10. In October the nature spreads its colours everywhere.

11. Spring and summer are beautiful, sunny seasons so there should be at least one month that is more rainy, cloudy, gloomy and that is November.

12. In December the year is ending, Christmas is coming so it is a bitter-sweet month.

bianca5712: Mulțumesc
bianca5712: A fost foarte bun răspunsul tău doar că aveam nevoie de propoziții mai scurte și de aceea îi voi da coroană ei.
bianca5712: îmi pare rău
bianca5712: :(
mitocondrie: Nicio problemă! :))
bianca5712: Îmi pare foarte rău!
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