Engleza, întrebare adresată de amitrache47, 8 ani în urmă

12 T Read the text again. Find these words in the text and match them with the definitions. 1 portion 2 takeaway 3 salt 4 vinegar 5 fry 6 occasionally a) to cook food in oil b) a white substance you put on food c) the quantity of food for one person d) a liquid you put on food e) sometimes but not every week f) a place where you buy food to take home and eat​

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Răspuns de mbc220861



12 T Read the text again. Find these words in the text and match them with the definitions.

1 portion ........................................................................c)

2 takeaway ...................................................................f)

3 salt ..............................................................................b)

4 vinegar ..................................................................... d)

5 fry.................................................................................a)

6 occasionally ..............................................................e)

a) to cook food in oil

b) a white substance you put on food

c) the quantity of food for one person

d) a liquid you put on food

e) sometimes but not every week

f) a place where you buy food to take home and eat​

Răspuns de BlackpinkBtsFan


1. Portion-c) the quantity of food for one person

2. Takeaway-f) a place where you buy food to take home and eat​

3. salt-b) a white substance you put on food

4. vinegar-d) a liquid you put on food

5. fry-a) to cook food in oil

6. occasionally-e) sometimes but not every week

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