Engleza, întrebare adresată de Problemelescolii123, 8 ani în urmă

13. Put the verbs în brackets into the present simple or contiouaus.

Dear Donna,

The hotel 2) ........... ( belong) to Pat's uncle and she 3) ......... ( spend) every summer here.
The place is very nice and I 4)......( think) all the people at the hotel 5) ....... ( have) a nice time. We 6).......( swim) and 7) .......... ( go) windsurfing every morning. At noon we 8).........(have) lunch and în the evening we 9)...........( go) for walks.
Today it 10).........(rain) s-o we can't go out. I 11).........(hate) This weather! At the moment Sandey and Pat 12)..............(have) lunch. They 13) ............ ( eat) fish today and it 14) ........... ( smell) very good.
15)............. ( you/ have) a good time at home? Write Soon and tell me all your news.

Va rog repede! Dau coroana!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de iulissa89
2 - belongs
3 - spends
4 - think
5 - have
6 - swim
7 - go
8 - have
9 - go
10 - is raining
11 - hate
12 - are having
13 - are eating
14 - smells
15 - Do you have
Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
2) belongs
3) spends
4) think
5) are having
6) swim
7) windsurf
8) have
9) go
10) raining
11) hate
12) are having
13) are eating
14) smells
15) Are you having
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