Engleza, întrebare adresată de danpetrica439, 8 ani în urmă

142) Join the sentences below into a narrative. Use the verbs in the past tense simple. Begin the sentences with: At 8 o'clock, Firsi, Then, Next, After that, Later.

1. Doris came home.

2. She turned the television on.

3. She started knitting.

4. She watched the Robin Hood serial for twenty minutes.

5. She fell asleep.

6. She dreamt that Robin Hood was chasing her.

7. She dreamt that he shot her with an arrow.

8. She woke up and she found a knitting needle in her back!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lucamihaifotea98


At 8 0'clock Doris came home

First she turned the television on

Then she started knitting

Next she watched the Robin Hood serial for twenty minutes

After tjat she fell asleep

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