Engleza, întrebare adresată de anastasiacaraiman, 8 ani în urmă

15. Listen to three people. Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences.

1. In Nicu's family dad cooks all the time.
2. Nicu's mother can't cook.
3. Nelly can play football.
4. Nelly is the only girl in the football team.
5. During the last match, Nelly scored the winning goal.
6. Elena's brother is interested in computing.
7. Elena's sister is good at languages.
8. Elena loves Mathematics and Physics.
9. Elena took part in the international Olympiad in Physics.
10. Elena won the 2nd prize in the Olympiad.​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de piscinacuacoperis123


1. F.

in Nicu's family both , mother and father are cooking.

2. F.

Nicu's mother can cook.

3. T

4. F

There are 9 boys and 2 girl in their team.

5. During the last match , Nadia scored the winning goal.

6. Elena's sister is interested in computing.

7. Elena's brother is good at languages .

8. T

9. T

10. Elena won the 1nd prize in the Olympiad.

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