Engleza, întrebare adresată de madaflorin, 10 ani în urmă

15 propozitii cu to be la trecut .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de florea14lucica
1. I was at school . ( eu am fost la scoala ) 
2. I was the winner . ( eu am fost castigator)
3. You were with me . ( Tu ai fost la mine )
4. They were at movie . ( ele au fost la film )
5. We went to the theater. ( Noi am fost la teatru)
6. Peter was my student . ( Peter a fost elevul meu )
7 . She was my neighbor . ( ea a  fost vecina mea )
8 . He was the pilot . ( el a fost pilotul )
You came to us . ( Voi ati venit la noi )
10 . They were sea . ( Ei au fost la mare )
11. I was at my grandparents . ( eu am fost la bunicii mei )
12. You were my best friend . ( tu ai fost cea mai buna prietena a  mea .)
13. He  was here . ( el a fost aici )
14. She was my nurse . (ea a fost asistenta mea )
15. He was my idol . ( el a fost idolul meu )

madaflorin: Multumesc frumos !!! :*
florea14lucica: For nothing :*
Geta1955: Gresite: 9 si 10
florea14lucica: 9 . you came at us . 10 . They were at sea
Geta1955: Ntz! tot gresite sunt
Geta1955: Numarul 9 nu contine verbul TO BE, iar nr. 10 corect e: They were at the sea (eu as fi zis: seaside)
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