Engleza, întrebare adresată de valeriacris, 9 ani în urmă

15 puncte)
Concordanta timpurilor (plan trecut )10propozitii

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mih2007
I waited in the sitting room as she was sleeping.
they were sure they had never seen her before.
he was wandering if Marry came in time.
I was sure you didn't know when he had come back.
you promised to me you would be in time.
the man who is here was my teacher.
I enjoyed the concert as much as I had done last time.
she refused to go with you to the cinema because she had seen that movie before.
I was sure you would be more careful next time.

Mih2007: the man who was here had been my teacher.
Mih2007: au fost facute in 5 m pauza de la scoala! ! !
Mih2007: dar multumesc,oricum
Geta1955: Adica.... El se plimba daca Maria venea la timp?
Mih2007: da
Mih2007: nu el se mura daca Maria venea la timp
Mih2007: mira
Geta1955: Nici vorba. Tu ai scris clar in propozitia ta: El se plimba (poti sa zici si "cutreiera") daca Maria.... etc
Mih2007: He was wandering if Marry had come
Geta1955: Ntz! Gresit! confunzi verbele "WONDER" = A SE INTREBA, A SE MIRA cu "WANDER = A CUTREIERA"
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