Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

16 Write true sentences about yourself using the
clues in brackets (), as in the example. Be careful:
you need to add for or since.
1 l/play (your favourite sport)/(the duration).
I have been playing football for three years.
2 My family and I/live in (your town)/(the date).
3 l/study at (the name of your school)/
(number of years).
4 My father/work at (his place of work)/
(starting date).
5 I/learn English/(school year).
6 (Your best friend) and I/be best friends/
(year when you met). dau coroana va rog rezolvatimil voi totul cu intrebari tor dau coroana ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de horvath0908
2. my family and i live in (orasul tau) since (data de cand locuiti acolo)
3. i have been studying at (numele scolii tale) for (de cati ani inveti acolo) years
4. my father has been working at (locul unde lucreaza) since (data de cand lucreaza)
6. (numele celui mai bun prieten) and i have been friends since (anul cand v ati cunoscut)

daca ai nevoie de raspunsuri complete (fara paranteze, raspunsuri exacte), da mi mesaj
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