Engleza, întrebare adresată de malureanumihai18, 8 ani în urmă

17 Put the verbs in brackets into the past
simple or the past continuous.
about us
Hi bloggers!
1) Did you feel (you/feel) the earthquake last
Thursday night? 12)
(be) at home
with my flatmates, Simon and Mike. We
(eat) dinner, 4)
the dishes and then 5)
(go) into the
living room. At about 9 o'clock, I 6)
(watch) TV and Simon 7)
(read) a
magazine while Mike 8)
(sleep) on
the sofa. Suddenly, the ground 9)
(start) to shake. I 10)
(not/know) what to do. "It's an earthquake!"
Simon 11)
(shout). "We have to go
outside!" But then, just as suddenly, the
earthquake 12)
(stop). What a relief!
Afterwards, Simon and I 13)
(check) that nothing was broken when we
(realise) that Mike
(still/sleep)! Not even
an earthquake can wake him up!
So what about you? What 16)
(you/do) when the earthquake 17)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de corrupti0n


1. did you feel

2. was

3. ate

4. washed

5. went

6. was watching

7. was reading

8. was sleeping

9. started

10. didn't know

11. shouted

12. stopped

13. were checking

14. realised

15. was still sleeping

16. were you doing

17. hit

Mult succes! :)

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