Engleza, întrebare adresată de dodo9296, 8 ani în urmă

16 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
form of the past simple or the past
continuous. Then, answer the questions
about yourself.
1 Did you eat (you/eat) breakfast yesterday
Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
2 .............
(you/do) housework all
day yesterday?
Use the prompts to form questions based
on the text in Ex. 17. Then, answer the
1 When/earthquake/occur?
When did the earthquake occur?
On Thursday night
2 Where/be/Mark?
3 What/Simon and Mark/do/at 9 o'clock?
(you/watch) TV at
10 o'clock last night?
4 Where/Mike/sleep?
(your best friend/go)
on holiday last summer?
5 What/Simon and Mark/do/after the
(your parents/have)
dinner with you last night?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de daniela8036


1) Did you ate breakfast yesterday morning?

yes, I did.

2) Were you doing housework all day yesterday?

where was Mark?

What were Simon and Mark doing yesterday at 9 o'clock?

were you watching TV at 10 o'clock last night? where Mark slept?

were your friends went on holiday last summer?

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Matematică, 8 ani în urmă