Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandramorosan, 8 ani în urmă

19.1 In this exercise you have to write questions with how long and when. Example: It is raining. (how long /it / rain?) How long hasit been raining? (when /it / start / raining?) When did it start raining? 1 Ann is learning Italian. (how long/she / learn / Italian?) (when / she / begin / learning Italian?) 2 I know Tom. (how long/you/know / Tom?) (when / you/first meet! Tom?) 3 Bob and Alice are married. (how long they / be / married?) when/ they get married?) ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de maria4420



1. Ann is learning Italian. How long has she been learning Italian for? When did she begin to learn Italian?

2. I know Tom. How long have you known Tom for? When have you first met Tom?

3. Bob and Alice are married. How long have they been married for? When did they get married?

sper ca sunt corecte si ca te-am ajutat.

alexandramorosan: Mulțumesc mult!!!!
maria4420: nu ai ptc (:
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