Engleza, întrebare adresată de mihairusu255, 8 ani în urmă

1A You ........................have to eat it if you don' t wats to
B Thanks , l don' t ........................... like it
2 A l can ' t vome to you house l 've
got lostbof things to do
B Like .............................?
A Well, l've got to help my dad ........................ the shopping , for a start
3 A At ...................... l was a bit scared but ........................ a while l was OK
4 A What ......................... you doing at nine o ' cloke ?
B l was ........................... the washing -up
Vă rog am nevoie super urgent pliz
dau coroanăăăăăă

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ddanciuddenisa2


care era cerință?incerc sa te ajut dar trb sa știu cerința

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