Engleza, întrebare adresată de SilviaCovalenco, 8 ani în urmă

2 Choose six words from Exercise 1 to write sentences of your own.
Va rog mai rapid!!
Dau coroana pt raspuns corect​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de TheOne749

my friend is obbsesed with cereal

I brush my teeth daily

I m very efficent at work

I like juice

I sometimes play mobile games

i usually go outside

sper ca e bine.Noroc

Răspuns de sabinaamariei12


My routine is boring.

I'll never like footbool

I usually eat soup for lunch.

I love the orange juice.

My study method is very efficient.

I sometimes visit my grandparents.

Sper ca te-am ajutat!!! Succes la teme!! ♡♡

TheOne749: ce maaa mananci sapun
TheOne749: nu mai conteaza is prost
sabinaamariei12: am vrut sa zic supa
sabinaamariei12: în fine
TheOne749: ai zis
TheOne749: am citit eu soap
sabinaamariei12: a ok
sabinaamariei12: m-am speriat
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