Engleza, întrebare adresată de katinaciadis, 8 ani în urmă

2 Complete each sentence. Use going to and the verb in brackets.
1 (you, buy) Are you going to buy.
- a new bike?
2 Tom (not study)
3 I (buy)....
*** some new shoes.
4 (Helen, travel)
by train?
5 What (buy)
...... at the shops?
6 Jim and Dinah (not get)
7 Sam (take)
a holiday
8 What time you, phone)
9 Where (we, eat)
10 1(not give).....
Dave a birthday present!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andreicalmantul


tom didn't study history

i bought some new shoes

helen travels by train?

what can you buy at the shops

jim and dinah did not get married

sam took a holiday

what time you called me?

where do we eat tonight

i didn't give dave a birthday present

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Matematică, 8 ani în urmă