Engleza, întrebare adresată de lazargeovani89765, 8 ani în urmă

2) Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect continuous (positive or negative) form the verbs. va rog am nevoie de ajutor vostru ​

hihihiha: He's feeling
lazargeovani89765: 2. Dinner's going to be good. Dad __________(cook) all afternoom.
lazargeovani89765: 3. What awful weather. It ___________ (rain) all day.
hihihiha: 2.cooked
lazargeovani89765: 4. She looks really tired. She __________ (sleep) very well
hihihiha: must be sleeping
lazargeovani89765: 5. I ___________ (study), so l don't think. I'm going to pass this test
lazargeovani89765: gata cam asta este
hihihiha: I didnt study
hihihiha: sper ca te am ajutat,noroc cu viata

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de hihihiha


ai uitat sa scrii propozitile,scriile in coment si iti fac


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