Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

-2 Complete the sentences with will or won't.
(be) wet and cold
(arrive) at school late! (+)
6 I think we
1 The weather
tomorrow. (+)
2 You
(get) a good mark in the test. (-)
(snow) tonight. (-)
5 He
(win) the race (-)
(have) fun at the
weekend. (+)
(pass) the exam easily. (+)
(become) a famous actor! (-)
(beat) your team! (+)
(stay) at home on Friday )
7 They
8 You
9 My team
0 We


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de casseystorm


1.will (be)

2.will (arrive)

3.won't (get)

4.won't (snow)

5.won't (win)

6.will (have)

7.will (pass)

8.won't (become)

9.will (beat)

10.won't (stay)

carparcking714: ,ms
ilisoivio: ms
Răspuns de marulruginit123


1.will be

2. will arrive

3.won’t get

4.won’t snow

5.won’t win

6.will have

7.will pass

8.won’t become

9.will beat

10.won’t stay

silviageorgianarusu: mă poți ajuta la toată pg
silviageorgianarusu: de la manual
carparcking714: da
carparcking714: eu pot
silviageorgianarusu: bn ms
angelonicolescu: ms
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