2. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the future simple or be going to form. Write in your notebook. 1. A: It says here that the Mayor... (visit) the opera house tomorrow. B: I know. I... (re-open) after it closed for repairs. 2. A: Have you got any magazines you want me to take to the recycling centie? B: I'm not sure. I... (have) a look. 3. A: Our school... (put on) a performance of Annie this Sunday. B: Really? I... (come)! 4. A: There's a documentary about celebrities on TV tonight. B: I know, at 7 o'clock. I... (not/watch) it, though. 5. A: What do you think Peter... (do)? B: I believe he... (not/come) with us. 6. A: I'm tired. I... (go) home. B: OK!!... (come) with you. 7. A: Watch out! You... (drop) the vase. B: I'm sorry, I think I... (have) a rest.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the future simple or be going to form. Write in your notebook.
Completați spațiile libere folosind verbele la forma de viitor simplu sau „to be going to”. Scrieți în caietele voastre.
A: It says here that the Mayor is going to visit the opera house tomorrow.
B: I know. It will re-open after it closed for repairs.
A: Have you got any magazines you want me to take to the recycling centre?
B: I'm not sure. I will have a look.
A: Our school will put on a performance of Annie this Sunday.
B: Really? I am going to come!
A: There's a documentary about celebrities on TV tonight.
B: I know, at 7 o'clock. I am not going to watch it, though.
A: What do you think Peter will do?
B: I believe he is not going to come with us.
A: I'm tired. I am going to go home.
B: OK!! I will come with you.
A: Watch out! You will drop the vase.
B: I'm sorry, I think I am going to have a rest.
- Folosim Future Tense Simple în următoarele situații:
a) o predicție, fără indicarea exactă a momentului:
He will be happy about the gift from Santa Claus.
b) un plan, fără indicarea exactă a momentului:
I'm not sure. I will have a look.
c) un adevăr științific ce va avea loc în viitor:
The sun will rise at 7:05 tomorrow.
d) o ofertă/o promisiune în viitor:
I will help him if he behaves nicely.
e) o acțiune viitoare care arată rutina, folosind adverbe de frecvență:
They will play tennis every weekend.
f) o decizie luată pe loc:
OK!! I will come with you.
- Folosim „to be going to” în următoarele situații:
a) un plan sau o intenție:
I am not going to watch it, though.
b) o predicție:
I believe he is not going to come with us.
c) o decizie fermă:
Really? I am going to come!
d) o amenințare:
The naughty boy is going to be punished!
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