Engleza, întrebare adresată de raulraul4513, 8 ani în urmă

2 I’m tiring / tired. I think I’ll go to bed.
4 Do you like … models?
8 The news from the hospital isn’t good. It’s
very worrying / worried.
9 I’m boring / bored. Let’s go to the cinema.
12 I’m reading a book about the Arctic. It’s really
interesting / interested.
14 How often do you … online to your friends?
15 Can I use your phone? I need to … a text
16 My sister broke my printer last night. She’s
very annoying / annoyed.

1 Can I borrow your memory …? I need to save
this document.
3 We sailed … the island yesterday. It was
5 The river is very big. We can’t swim …
6 I loved the film. It was very … (fun).
7 I didn’t like the film. It was very frightening /
10 It’s my brother’s birthday tomorrow. He’s
really exciting / excited.
11 My brother’s exploring in the Amazon. He’s
really … (adventure).
13 My dad’s very … (generosity). He bought me
a new laptop

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de simonaioana735

2 tired

4 the

8 worrying

9 bored

12 interesring

14 talk

15 send

16 annoying

1 card / disk cred ca (,) card dar nu s sigura

3 in

5 here

6 funny

7 frightening

10 excited

11 adventurer

13 generous

Alte întrebări interesante