Engleza, întrebare adresată de Valakianagyvilagbol, 8 ani în urmă

2. Put the verbs in brackets in their correct form.

3. Diana
(understand) Italian well.
(want) to come over now. Is that all right?
4. There's a spider in the corner. 1..........
(hate) them.
5. Why don't you comb your hair? It ..... .... (look) awful.
6. I................ ......... (prefer) soul music to rap.
7. The girl you talked about
(seem) nice.
S. This cereal
(contain) all the important vitamins.
9. His uncle
(own) a jewellery shop in Kenya.
10. Who ........ that motorbike ..
(belong to)?
11. What exactly
........ (mean)
12. It ...........
(not / matter) if we arrive early.
13. I.
(hope) you will come to my party.
14. It
(sound) like Jane playing her trumpet.
15. Granny
(forget) all our birthdays!
16. He
(not/ remember) her name.
17. I'm sorry, but I..........
(not / agree) with you.
1S. Excuse me, how much ........ these DVD players .......
19. I.
.... (love) listening to rock music.
20. The grass
(need) cutting

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de matandreea7450Deaa

3. Diana understands Italian well.

4. I hate them.

5. It looks awful.

6. I prefer soul music to rap.

7. Seemed nice.

8. Contains

9. Owns

10. Who belongs to?

11. Means

12. It doesn't matter

13. I hope you will come to my party.

14. It sounds

15. Granny forgot all our birthdays!

16. He doesn't remember her name.

17. I don't agree with you.

18. How much costs these DVD players?

19. I love listening to rock music.

20. The grass needs to be cut.

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