Engleza, întrebare adresată de mateimagda70, 8 ani în urmă

2 Read and match. I think English is very important because it is the most widely used language. It is ... I believe English is useful because it is the top language for the internet. It helps ... How John Max I think English is fantastic because it is easy to learn. There are so many English words that you recognize because ... I also think English is useful. In an international summer camp... Andy Mary English is cool. When you go abroad, you English is fun. It opens a whole world through books, movies and songs. You may read... Jane can speak it. If you come to a country and you don't speak Anna its language, ... English is great! It helps you make friends all over the world ... Sandy​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ahajzjaza


Max C

John A

Mary D

Andy B

Jane G

Anna E

Sandy F

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