Engleza, întrebare adresată de daria8639, 8 ani în urmă

2 Underline the correct answer.
1 I don't read /'m not reading my new book now
because I've got homework to do.
2 Dan goes / is going to the gym every week.
3 We watch /'re watching a really good film at
the moment.
4 Do you study / Are you studying right now?
5 I don't take /'m not taking my lunch to school
every day because sometimes I eat lunch at home.
6 Does Hannah speak / Is Hannah speaking
French well in her classes?

Cine ma ajuta are coroana

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mararela
1. I’m not reading
2. goes
3. We’re watching
4. Are you studying
5. I don’t take
6. Does Hannah speak
Răspuns de stratuiulian417


1. I'm not reading my new book now because I've got homework to do.

2. Dan is going to the gym every week

3. We're watching a really good film at the moment

4. Are you studying right now?

5. I Dont take my lunch to school everyday because sometimes I eat lunch at home

6. Does Hannah speak French well in her classes?

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