Engleza, întrebare adresată de nicoletascutaru, 8 ani în urmă

What were Jacob and Lily doing yesterday? Look at the table on the left
and complete the sentences (1-6) with the correct form of the verb. Write
in your notebook.
1. Jacob...
2. Lily ...
3. Jacob ...
4. Jacob and Lily ...
5. Lily ...
6. Jacob and Lily ...
Mă puteți ajuta pls
Dau coroană​


nicoletascutaru: Am pus tabelul
nicoletascutaru: Acum mă poți ajut?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Complete with what Jacob and Lily were doing yesterday.



1. Jacob was listening to music yesterday at 6 pm, but Lily was not listening to music at 6 pm.

2. Lily was chatting online yesterday at 6 pm, while Jacob was not chatting online at that time.

3. Jacob was watching TV at 7 pm, but Lily was not watching TV.

4. Jacob and Lily were not sleeping yesterday at 7 pm.

5. Jacob was doing his homework at 7:30, while Lily was not doing her homework at that time yesterday.

6. Jacob and Lily were having a snack yesterday at 8 pm.


Un alt exercițiu în care se folosește timpul PastTense Continuous (was/were + vb-ing) se găsește aici: https://brainly.ro/tema/8476662


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