Engleza, întrebare adresată de user1528262818, 8 ani în urmă

Write complete sentences with the present perfect and
for or since.
1 My mum / work in the post office / 16 years.
My. mum's worked in the post office for 16 years...
2 Our teacher / be ill / three days.
3 1/not dance / your birthday party.
4 My uncle and aunt / have their car / three months.
5 My best friend / not call me / last week.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Write complete sentences with the present perfect and for or since.



1 My mum / work in the post office / 16 years.

  • My mum's worked in the post office for 16 years.



2 Our teacher / be ill / three days.

  • Our teacher's been ill for three days.

3 I/not dance / your birthday party.

  • I haven't danced since your birthday party.

4 My uncle and aunt / have their car / three months.

  • My uncle and aunt have had their car for three months.

5 My best friend / not call me / last week.

  • My best friend hasn't called me since last week.



Timpul Present Perfect Simple (prezent perfect simplu) indică o acţiune începută în trecut şi neîncheiată în prezent. Indicii de timp frecvent utilizaţi pentru acest timp verbal sunt: just (tocmai), already (deja), never (niciodată), ever (vreodată), before (înainte), yet (încă), since (since then - de atunci) şi for (for a long time - de mult timp).


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