2) You study at an international college and are involved with improving the college's website. You think it would be a good idea to add to the website with short videos of current students talking about their college experiences. You decide to write an email to all students, in which you describe your idea and encourage students to get involved. You should explain how doing this will benefit the college and the students involved.
Write your email in 220-260 words.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
greeting fellow classmates and collage students,
As I suppose many of you already know our school has created a collage website not so long ago. As part of the editors of the school's website i am in a way forced to come up with several ideas. It has been rather hard for me to come up with original ideas so i wouldn't get accused by other collages of stealing their hard worked ideas. I for one have never been a creative person and i am hoping my classmates could back me up on this, however i have came up with a brilliant plan no other school website has came up with yet: interviewing our students. Now before you call me nuts and delete my email please hear me out for you too can become the star of our collage. We will interview the football team players the cheerleaders the top students and many more to find as much hot news as we can. we will do a livestream every Friday with different special guests and brand new gossip. Now once again why would you be interested on school business? Let me put it this way: memes. Livestream with special guests means different people's face you can screenshot and edit so its a win-win, i get my brilliant plan put into action you get funny photos of the principal. Now you may think "why would we want to appear into interviews if people will screenshot our faces and make memes? You too will be popular and who knows maybe not only around our campus but around the whole world. People will look up to you. Please consider my idea and if you find it interesting sign the petition attached.
Sper ca ajuta, in total sunt 288 de cuvinte :)