Engleza, întrebare adresată de AnișoarazaazA, 8 ani în urmă

20 de întrebări la toate timpurile în limba engleză!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AuGuStAa
Do you study English at school ?
( present simple )

What are you studying now ?

( present continuous )

Have you ever studied Latin ?

( present perfect simple )

How long have you been studying languages ?

( present perfect continuos )

Did you study last morning ?

( past simple )

Were you studying when I called you last morning ?

( past continuos )

What had you studied before you went to university ?

( past perfect )

You had been studying English for 2 years before you went to the American School .

( past perfect continuos )

You will study the history of languages if you go to university

( future simple )

You 'll be studying Literature at this time next year

( future continuos )

When you graduate university you'll have studied Englisg for 12 years .

( future perfect )
Alte întrebări interesante