Engleza, întrebare adresată de 27tibialexoy0sjm, 8 ani în urmă

20 de peopozitii cu Present Perfect Continuos și 20 de propozitii cu Present Perfect Simple.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Outstanding

present perfect simple

1 I have spoken to him about it several times

2 We have finished all our homework

3. He has visited us many times

4. She has returned my book at last

5. I`m afraid i`ve lost my car keys

6. We have been in London many times

7. they have been married for 20 years

8. I haven`t seen her since Monday.

9. Where have you been?

10. They have already seen this movie

11. The show hasn`t started yet.

12. I told Jane what you said.

13. He has studied this lesson over and over.

14. She has read this book.

15. It has rained a lot this year.

16. I have already washed the dishes.

17. We have been friends for 10 years.

18. She has drunk five cups of tea.

19.They have ridden their bikes for ten minutes.

20. I have done my homework this morning.

present perfect continuous

1. They have been playing the piano for six hours.

2. She has been singing carols for half an hour.

3. They have been walking on the beach for several minutes.

4. You have been feeling ill since last autumn.

5. He has been feeding the little baby for the last ten minutes.

6. I have been drawing these clowns since I came from school.

7. They have been talking for an hour.

8. We have been playing football for an hour.

9. They have been keeping the secret for the last few years.

10. You have been dusting the furniture for half an hour.

11. He has been writing love letters since he was twenty.

12. You haven`t been eating bread since you are on a diet.

13. The wind hasn`t been blowing hard for the last hour.

14.Jane has been teachinf History for ten years.

15. Tom has been working really hard recently.

16. It has been snowing all day long.

17. I have been talking to her for more than an hour.

18. They have been living here for five years.

19. He has been studying English for many years.

20. We have been arguing about that for three hours.

27tibialexoy0sjm: Ms! (stiu ca e tarziu dar da...)
Outstanding: Niciodată nu este târziu Succes!
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