Engleza, întrebare adresată de bananainpijamale, 7 ani în urmă

21. Present Simple, Continuous or Perfect Continuous?
1. Whenever I (to try) **** to work, my mind(to start) **** wandering.
2 While grandma (to water) ***** the flowers, grandpa(to plant)***** some fruit trees this evening.
3 We(not, to know) *** if these pollutants(to affect)*** the water supply for a long Time or not.
4Vanda (often,to lose) ***** weight în summer
5 Josh(to travel) **** south two Days a week
6 How long (you, to use) ****this bus service?
7 Cant you see Julie? She(to wheel) ***** her shopping trolley to the checkout
8 Marion(to wear) **** a clingy (=tight) Red dress tonight
9 They(to condemn) ***** this law as an attack on personal.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de adipvc197

'm trying,starts,waters,plants, don't know, affected,often loses,travels,your using,wheel înseamnã roatã,cred cã ai transcris gresit la 7,weares,condemns


sper cã Este corect,dacã nu Este,îmi pare foarte rãu

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