Engleza, întrebare adresată de constantinanae, 7 ani în urmă

24 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. A: Hello, Mark. You 1)...took... (take) a long time to answer the door. B: A: B: Sorry. I 2)..... Come in, Tony. 3) What ........ (you/plan) to do today? (think) of going Well, 14) ... for a picnic in the country, but the weather is awful so 1 5) ....... ..... (change) my mind. ....... (tell) A: Oh dear. Well, yesterday Mary 6) me that she 7) ..... ..... (buy) two tickets to see (buy) the Rocking Stars, but she couldn't go to the concert. So 18) ...... the tickets from her, (think) you'd like to go. .... (mean) to buy (not/hear) the bell. because I 9) .... B: Tony, that's brilliant! I 10) tickets for that concert, but they 11)...... (sell out) by the time I 12) booking office. A: Well, it's lucky | 13) .... (go) to the (see) Mary, then, isn't it?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sdsdsdsd

A: Hello, Mark. You took a long time to answer the door.

What are you planning to do today? I think of going Well, for a picnic in the country, but the weather is awful so I changed my mind.

A: Oh dear. Well, yesterday Mary told me that she bought two tickets to see the Rocking Stars, but she couldn't go to the concert. So I took the tickets from her. Would you like to go

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