Engleza, întrebare adresată de popvalentina112, 8 ani în urmă

3 A: ... (Adam/have) saxophone lessons these
B: Yes, but he ...(not/enjoy) them. He
wants to play the drums instead.
4 A: ... (Daisy and Faith/watch) the play
today, too?
B: Yes, they ... (wait) for us outside the
theatre right now.
5 A: I...(not/record) a vlog this week-
I haven't got time!
B: I know! We've got tests at school every day!
6 A: How ... (you/travel) to the stadium
tomorrow night?
B: By train because cars ... (always/cause) too
many traffic jams.
e urgeeent​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de rlavinia47
Does Adan have saxophone lessons these days?
Yes,but he doesn't enjoy them.He wants to play the drums instead.
Do Daisy and Faith watch the play days too?
Yes,they are waiting for us outside the theatre right now.
I am not going to record a vlog this week.I haven't got time!
How are you going to travel to the stadium tomorrow night?
By train because cars always cause too many traffic jams.

popvalentina112: multumeesccc
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