Engleza, întrebare adresată de razabosss, 8 ani în urmă

3 a Read the blog again. Answer these questions. 1 Why does Steve travel a lot? 2 Why does he like eating street food? 3 When did he start his blog? 4 How often does he visit Bangkok? 5 Where was Steve on May 19th? 6 Does he like spicy food? ​
I live in London, but I travel all over the world for my job (I'm a photographer) andkl always try the street food wherever I go, For me there's nothing better than sitting in a square or a park eating cheap, freshly-cooked street food – it's the best way to get to know a country and its people. I started blogging about street food over three years ago and my blog is becoming more popular every year. Now I'm writing a book about street food around the world - when I'm not working, blogging or eating, of course! APRIL 271H More and more people are visiting Thailand on holiday these days, but most of them don't stay in Bangkok for very long. Big mistake. I come here every year and I can tell you that the country's capital has got some fantastic street food - take pad thai, for example. It's very quick to make - stir fry some noodles, then add eggs, fish sauce, chillies, chicken, peanuts, herbs and spices - and it's one of the most incredible dishes you've ever tasted. I'm blogging from a busy food market in the centre of Jakarta. People still eat a lot of street food in Indonesia, and satay is probably the country's most popular dish. When people make satay, they often grill the lamb or chicken, but it tastes better if it's barbecued over an open fire. Then cover the cooked meat with a spicy peanut sauce and serve with onions, MAY 19TH cucumber and rice cakes. Delicious! We're working in Mexico for a few days and at the moment I'm sitting in one of Mexico City's busy parks - and I've just eaten one of the best burritos l've had in my life! If you want to make the perfect burrito, start with a freshly-made flour tortilla - a type of flat bread - then fill it with grilled beef or chicken and serve with beans, rice, sour cream, onions, lettuce and avocado. So why was this one so good? The extra-hot chilli sauce!
We're working in Mexico for a few days and at the moment I'm sitting in one of Mexico City's busy parks - and I've just eaten one of the best burritos l've had in my life! If you want to make the perfect burrito, start with a freshly-made flour tortilla - a type of flat bread - then fill it with grilled beef or chicken and serve with beans, rice, sour cream, onions, lettuce and avocado. So why was this one so good? The extra-hot chilli sauce!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Monk1


1.Steve travels a lot for his job

2.He likes eating street food because it's the best way to get to know a country and its people

3.He started his blog 3 years ago

4.He visits Bangkok every year

5.He was in Indonesia (nu sunt sigur,poate fi Mexico,nu imi dau seama din text)

6.Yes,he does


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