Engleza, întrebare adresată de daescumihail2005, 7 ani în urmă

3 Choose the most suitable word underlined. a) I would love to go on a long journey travel by train. b) What's the latest news? Can I look at your paper/journal c) I want to know about trains to Leeds. Can you give me alan information/timetable? d) Here's your ticket. Do you have any luggage/suitcase? e) Don't forget to buy a sliced bread/loaf. f) Why don't we leave the car in this car park/parking? g) I can't come to work today. I have a bad cold/flu b) Excuse me sir, but do you have a licence/permission for this gun? Brighton has quite a good beach/seaside. i) j) I'm going out tonight with a few of my company/friends​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de abc728188



a. journey

b. paper

c. timetable

d. luggage

e. bread

f. car park

g. cold

h. licence

i. beach

j. friends

daescumihail2005: ms
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