Engleza, întrebare adresată de Flori1Rusu, 9 ani în urmă

3)Complete the conversation,putting the verbs into the present perfect simple in 1 to 9,and inserting FOR or SINCE in a) to e).

Joe:Hi,Kate!I'm sorry I'm so late.How long .......have you been..(you\be)here?-(Aici am completat eu ca si exemplu)
Kate:...Since..six o'clock(Aici am completat ca si exemplu).You look tired. 1.............(you\start)your exams?
Joe:Yes. 2.....................(I\do) three exams (a)..........Monday.That's why 3.............(I\not be)in here (b)..................such a long time.
Joe:No,5.....................(I\not see)him (c)...........................Gemma's party.Why?
Kate:6..................................(I\have)one of his CDs (d)..................ages,and I want to return it.
Joe: 7.........................(you\phone)him?
Kate:Yes,but there's no reply,and 8..........................................(he\not leave)his answer machine on.
Joe:That's strange.Perhaps he's on holiday.
Kate:Oh,of course,you're right! 9............................(He and Alex\go)to Canada (e).............two weeks.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955

Joe: Hi,Kate! I'm sorry I'm so late. How long .......have you been..(you\be) here?
Kate:...Since..six o'clock. You look tired.
1.....HAVE YOU STARTED........(you\start) your exams?
Joe: Yes. 2....I HAVE DONE ................(I\do) three exams a)....SINCE......Monday. That's why 3....I HAVEN'T BEEN.........(I\not be) in here (b).....FOR.............such a long time.
Kate: 4....HAVE YOU SEEN....(you\see)Alex?
Joe: No, 5.....I HAVEN'T SEEN ....(I\not see) him (c)....SINCE... Gemma's party. Why?
Kate: 6.......I HAVE HAD....(I\have) one of his CDs d) ...FOR.... ages, and I want to return it.
Joe: 7 ...HAVE YOU PHONED.....(you\phone) him?
Kate:Yes, but there's no reply, and 8........HE HASN'T LEFT.....(he\not leave) his answer machine on.
Joe: That's strange. Perhaps he's on holiday.
Kate: Oh,of course, you're right! 9.....HE AND ALEX HAD GONE....(He and Alex\go) to Canada (e).....FOR......two weeks.

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