Engleza, întrebare adresată de anacristi, 8 ani în urmă

3 Complete the sentences using the past perfect.
1 After we had tidied (tidy) the house, we vacuumed the carpets.
(the shoplifter/run away) by the time the police officer arrived?
3 Mel
(noudo) the washing-up before her guests arrived.
4 I realised Sorneone
(steal) my wallet when I got home.
5 Julie was hungry because she
(not/eat) breakfast.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alexciolan2015


2.Had the shoplifter run away by the time the police officer arrived?

3.Nu știu ce verb ai scris in paranteză.

4. I realised Someone had stolen my wallet when I got home.

5.Julie was hungry because she had not eaten breakfast.

Răspuns de Gabriella114

2. Had the shoplifter run away.......?

3. Scrie din nou cuvântul.

4. had stolen

5. hadn’t eaten


anacristi: 3 Mel...... (not/do) the washing-up before her guests arrived.
Gabriella114: hadn’t done
alexciolan2015: yes
roxanaoprica911: Dgdhd
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