Engleza, întrebare adresată de gutannicolas, 8 ani în urmă

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be in the p (was, were, wasn't, weren't): (1.5p) 1. Yesterday I .... ..at the gym. I wasn't at the pool. 2. My mother was at home last night. She........ 3. Jane and Tom...... ....at work. ...at the cinema, not at the restaurant yesterd: 4. The children weren't happy last week. They..... 5. ..........you at school last Monday? Yes, I ...... 6. ............the dog for a walk? No, it... 7. I was at the zoo last week. I ...... . very sad. .at the church.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de horiazone4

Răspuns:    I was at the gym. I wasn't at the pool. 2. My mother was at home last night. She was 3. Jane and Tom were at work. Were at the cinema, not at the restaurant yesterd: 4. The children weren't happy last week. They weren't 5. Were you at school last Monday? Yes, I was 6. is the dog for a walk? No, it isn't 7. I was at the zoo last week. I was very sad at the church.​

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