Engleza, întrebare adresată de aleek18, 8 ani în urmă

3. Correct the two spelling mistakes in each of the following sentences:
a. The dog berried it's bone in the garden.
b. Can you tell me witch of these notebooks is there's?
c. Their has to be a better choise.
d. She is much taler then her sister.
e. Everyone showed up, exept Tina's freind.
f. His speach had a strong affect on me.
g. This pool is to shellow to dive in.
h. The whether seams nice today.
i. He past the hospital on his way to the ofice. j. The principle of the school told the kids to be quite. ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nikittiez

a. buried ; its

b. which ; theirs

c. there ; choice

d. taller ; than

e. except ; fara virgula

f. speech ; effect

g. too ; shallow

h. weather ; seems

i. passed ; office

j. principal ; quiet

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