Engleza, întrebare adresată de popescuflo81, 8 ani în urmă

3. Fill in the blanks with the Future Simple or BE GOING TO Future form of the verbs in
brackets, then choose the right answer:
Jones: Where 1) are you going to go
(go) on the holidays?
Kate: I don't know yet. I am thinking of going on a cruise, but I 2).
(have) to ask Paul
about that He 3)
(feel) seasick for the whole journey. What about you?
Jones: Well I know what 1.4)
(do). 15)
(travel) to
Russia. I am sure it 6)
(not/be) similar to anything I've seen before, such as France or Malta.
Kate: Have you booked your trip?
Jones: Not yet, but 17)
(do) it when I know exactly when I can have days
off from work. 18)
(ask) my manager tomorrow. Then 19)
(go) straight to the travel agency.
Kate: Maybe I 10)
(join) you.
Jones: That's great. I am sure you 11)
(find) something that you and Paul 12)
Kate: Ok, then. I 13)
(come) and pick you up from work.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mih2007
2. I ‘ ll have to
3. He will feel
4. I am going to do
5. I m going to travel
6. Will not be
7. I m going to do
8. I will ask
9. I will go
10. I will join
11. Are going to find
12. Will enjoy

Mih2007: I ll come
Mih2007: 13. I ll come
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