Engleza, întrebare adresată de iulianapetronela066, 8 ani în urmă

3 Put the adverb of frequency in brackets in the correct gap. Write in your notebook. 1. Does Paula... go ... to the mall on Saturdays? (usually) 2. The train ... is ... late when the weather is bad. (often) 3. The Smiths... stay ... at a hotel when they travel to another country. (always) 4. The banks... are ... open on Sundays. (never) 5. Stuart... visits... aquariums and museums while on holiday. (seldom)​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de pacific21

Paula ussualy go to the mall on saturdays?

The train is often late when the weather is bad

The Smiths always stay at a hotel when they treavel to another country.

The bank never open........ (continue)

Stuart visits seldom aqariums.....

pacific21: cp
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