Engleza, întrebare adresată de taransergiu200p3bktg, 8 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets into the past
continuous or the past simple. Write in
your notebook.
Last summer, we ... (go) on holiday to Spain.
2 My parents ... (sleep) when I got home.
3 The bus broke down while they ... (drive) to
4 He fell off the horse and ... (break) his leg.
5 Hayden ... (visit) Laos in July,
6 The boys ... (play) in the garden while their
mum ... (cook) in the kitchen,
7 He ... (leave) for Thailand last Tuesday.
8 At 7 pm last night, 1... (watch) TV,​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de saramariadv05


1. went

2. were sleeping

3. were driving

4. broke

5. is visiting

6. are playing, cooks

7. left

8. was watching

teootvos124: wow ms
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