Engleza, întrebare adresată de rskyvs, 8 ani în urmă

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dianacud: pai trebuie sa zicem ce fac oamenii în ambele imagini?
BlueScreen: da

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de BlueScreen


1.in the first image she is on the beach

in the second image she is in a park in winter

2. in the first image the weather is good  like summer

in the second image it is a cold winter weather

3.In the first image they enjoy the beautiful and warm day they have

in the second image they take pictures

4.in the first picture she is wearing summer clothes

in the second image he wears thick winter clothes


in the backgorund there is a beach in the first image

in the second backgraund it is in a winter park

6.As you can see in both photos they enjoy their free time and have fun.

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