Engleza, întrebare adresată de ioana438, 9 ani în urmă

3propoziti la interogativ afirmativ negativ la past simple

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Adelinasdfg
Did he watched that movie?
Did she ate my sandwich?
Did you were at my house last week?
I sang my favourite song as loud as I could.
My mother made me breakfast.
Your teacher teached you about second world war?
You didn't learned the lesson.
I didn't arrived late.
She can't drink that,is bad.

ioana438: Multumesc mult
Adelinasdfg: cu placere. coroana? :D
ioana438: coroana se da daca mai raspunde cineva?Eu nu stiu cum se da inca nu mi-a aparut coroana
Răspuns de Mih2007
He watched tv. Did he watch tv? He didn't watch tv. I wrote a nice poem. Did I write a nice poem? I didn't write a nice poem. They began the lesson. Did they begin the lesson? They didn't begin the lesson.
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