Engleza, întrebare adresată de sisbisnsis, 8 ani în urmă

4 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 Dad's new car is .... his old one.
a bigger
b more big
c bigger than
2 You .... talk in the library because people are
trying to work.
a must
b should
c mustn't
3 I'm sitting in the armchair in our whole house!
a worse
b bad
C worst
4 My town is .... than yours.
a small
b smaller
c smallest
5 I think you .... take more exercise. It's good for
a should
b must
c shouldn't

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de beckzmary


1 b

2 c

4 b

5 a


la 3 nu stiu unde trebuie sa completez

sisbisnsis: La 3 trebuie să completezi după în sitting în the.....
beckzmary: cred ca e worst
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