Engleza, întrebare adresată de Flori1Rusu, 9 ani în urmă

4)Complete the magazine article,putting the verbs in brackets into the present simple,present continuous or present perfect.

Teenage Life
My younger brother Jake (have)......... a problem,and I 1.................(think) it's a problem which many people 2...........................(not understand).He's dyslexic,which 3..................(mean)that he 4.........................(sometimes\get) letters mixed up:he might write'people'instead of'people',for example.
He 5..................(be) dyslexic since he was a child,but until recently nobody 6.............................(ever\give) him any help.Fortunately,one of the teachers at his new school 7.............................(know)about dyslexia.This term and next term,the scool 8.........................(send) him to special classes.At the moment,he 9..........................(learn) some techniques for remembering words.Since he started the special classesall his teachers 10..............................(notice) an improvement in his work and over the past month or two he 11...............................(become) more independent and confident,which is great.
People 12..............................(sometimes\forget)that we all 13.........................(need) a bi of help at times.
We 14................................(currently\do) some research on dyslexia for our issue so thanks,Suzy,for your letter.-Ed

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Dya15
2.don't understand
4.sometimes gets
5. is
6.has given
8.has sent
10.have noticed
11.has became
12/sometimes forget
14.are currently doing

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