Engleza, întrebare adresată de neculaestefi, 8 ani în urmă

4 .Complete this text with the correct words from the table in Exercise 1.

We have great (1).... in enclosing the information you requested for the Working Holidays scheme. On a working holiday, you spend your time with a group of people who you probably don't know. Instead of spending your holiday doing nothing, however, you can spend your time doing something to look after the environment, such as picking up litter on beaches. You don't get paid; in fact, you have to pay for the holiday, but it's cheap and, more importantly, extremely worthwhile. The location where most of our holidays take place is (2) ........ as an area of outstanding natural (3) However, the number of tourists in the area is creating (4) .......... such as increased litter and worn out paths. Most of our participants work hard, make friends and have a (5) .............. and worthwhile holiday. You need to take care, however, because there are a number of potential (6) These include severe weather conditions and several species of (7) ............. snake. Please look at the enclosed list of things to bring. If you have any (8) ....... in buying any of the (9) ......... clothes or equipment, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you cannot eat certain foods for health or (10) reasons, please write the details on the application form.​


soultanavanesa91: Poți sa faci o poza la coperta cartii și sa scrii pagina de unde este exercitiul și ce unit este?
Utilizator anonim: nu
neculaestefi: Eu am cartea tip PDF (este una rosie cu scris Going for GOLD) pagina 6 - unitatea 1 - exercitiul 4
soultanavanesa91: Scrie pe google going for gold unit 1 si iti va apărea undeva site ul tema la engleza si este rezolvarea la majoritatea
neculaestefi: ok , mersi mult
soultanavanesa91: Dacă nu găsești scrie aici mesaj
neculaestefi: am găsit
soultanavanesa91: Sper sa te ajute și pe parcurs
neculaestefi: o să mă ajute :))
soultanavanesa91: Succes!

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