Engleza, întrebare adresată de dugaednorog, 7 ani în urmă

4. Read the following story about a man who found a leak in his bathroom. Then complete the story by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form. The first one has been done for you.

Richard Barnes (1) had just come (just / come) home from work when he (2)... (find) a leak in the bathroom. Water (3)... (drip) from the ceiling for some time, and there (4) ... (be) a large pool of water on the floor. As soon as he (5) (see) the leak, he (6) ... (call) the plumber. The plumber's wife (7)... (answer). "I'm afraid he (8) ... (go) out an hour ago and he (9)... (not come) back yet. I (10) ... (tell) him to phone you when he (11) ... (come) in. I (12)... (not expect) he (13) ... (be) long".

Richard (14) ... (hang) up and (15) ... (sit) down to wait. Two hours later the phone (16)... (ring).

"This is the plumber. I (17) ... (believe) you (18) ... (call) earlier". "Where on earth (19)... (you / be)?" (20) ... (demand) Richard angrily. "I (21)... (wait) for two hours! What (22)... (you / do) all this time?"

"I'm terribly sorry, sir", the plumber (23) (answer) nervously. "I (24) ... (have) a breakdown while I (25) ... (drive) along the motorway. I (26)... (only just / get). I (27)... (not even have) my dinner yet. My wife (28)... (get) it now".

"Well, I'm sorry about your breakdown", (29) ... (say) Richard in a more friendly voice. "But (30) ... (you / repair) my leak tonight or not?"

"(31)... (not worry), sir", (32) ... (reply) the plumber. "I (33) ... (have) my dinner and then I (34) ... (come) straight round". Richard (35) ... (put) down the receiver and (36)... (go) back into the bathroom. The water (37)... (still drip) slowly into the bowl he (38) ... (put) under the leak. He (39)... (empty) the bowl again and then (40)... (sit) down to wait. Two hours later he (41)... (pick) up the receiver again. Just as he (42) ... (dial) the number, the doorbell (43)... (ring).

"I'm terribly sorry, sir", (44) (say) a small, dark-haired man ... apologetically. "I (45) ... (think) I (46)... (have) to get a new car!"

please, im tired​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Lujinschi
HteRyicitxeitexxrkyitezzteiitezitzexetxututxexityirxxjteitrxrxtutxdjdtxjdxjtfcyjxdjxtdjycfcrjyxrjjrcyjyrcrycjjryxjrycjrtxtdrituetiextdiritdridteidtetdeteudtdeutetetete este bine scrie așa
Răspuns de moonstruck
1 just came
2 found
3 dripping
4 was
5 saw
6 called
7 answered
8 went
9 hasn't came
10 will tell
11 comes
12 want expecting
13 was??? (nu sunt singura)
14 hung
15 sat
16 rang
17 belive
18 called
19 have you been
20 demanded
21 waited
22 did you do
23 answered
24 had
25 was driving
26 onlt just got
27 didnt even have
28 got
29 said
30 can you repair
31 dont worry
32 replied
33 had
34 'll come
35 put
36 went
37 still dripped
38 put
39 emptied
40 sat
41 picked
42 dialed
43 rang
44 said
44 think
47 have
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