Engleza, întrebare adresată de radeanunichita, 8 ani în urmă

4 The Romans
(BUILD) aqueducts to bring water from distant places into
(NOT KNOW) that you were sick, so I
you in the hospital.
6 John has a dog named Max. He
(FEED) him at the same time every day.
7 Fred
(GET) out of the pool and then
(JUMP) back in
8 When
(MEET) her for the first time?
9 Paul says that he wasn't the one who
(BREAK) the window
10 How often
(CHANGE) your passwords?
11 This kind of plant
(GROW) only in the tropical regions
12 How many hot dogs
(SELL) a day?
13 Why
(BITE) your nails? Are you feeling nervous?
14 Stanley was glad when Jenny
(OFFER) to help him in the garden
15 "Why
(NOT BRING) an umbrella?" "It was such
good weather this morning!"
16 George doesn't have enough money to buy everything he
17 Michael took Susan in his arms and
(KISS) her.
18 Tom and Mary
(FIGHT) again. Please do something.
19 Are you sure you
(NOT REMEMBER) what happened?
20 How old were you when you
(BEGIN) to study French?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de stelasauca


4 built

5 didn't know, didn't visit

6 feeds

7 got, jumped

8 met

9 broke

10 change

11 grows

12 sels

13 are tou bitting

14 offered

15 didn't bring

16 needs

17 kissed

18 are fighting

19 don't remember

20 began

Alte întrebări interesante