Engleza, întrebare adresată de tiberiuiontibi123, 9 ani în urmă

4. Traduceti in limba engleza:
1. Iarna ninge.
2. Duminica el nu se scoala devreme.
3. Eu nu studiez seara.
4. Ce faci? Citesti sau privesti la televizor?
5. Secretara tocmai bate la masina un referat.
6. Ea merge la cumparaturi sâmbata.
7. Acum imi fac temele la engleza.
8. Nu-mi place cafeaua.
9. Ce carte citesti?
10. La ce ora se scoala John dimineata?
11. Ce faci tu in zilele libere?
12. Cui ii telefonezi?
13. El nu merge la scoala cu metroul, merge pe jos.
14. De ce deschizi fereastra?
15. Adesea citesc carti englezesti.
16. Ea isi face bagajul.
17. Cât de des le scrii parintilor tai?
18. Când merg la mare imi place sa inot mult.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de 20032626
Lazy snow.
2. He does not get up on Sunday
3. I do not study tonight.
4. What are you doing? Read or look at
5. Secretary just beats at
car a report.
6. She goes shopping
7. Now I'm doing my homework in English.
8. I do not like coffee.
9, What book do you read?
10. At what time did John get up
11. Are you starving on free days?
12. Who do you call?
13. He does not go to school with
the subway, walks down.
14. Why open the window?
15. I often read English books.
16. She makes her baggage.
17. How often do you write to your parents?
18. When I go to sea I like it
to swim a lot.

cristianagaia2017: nu e beat a car e typewrite - a bate la masina
Răspuns de mihai123456756
1. In the winter, it snows.
2. On sundays he doesn't wake up early.
3. I don't study at night.
4. What are you doing? Are you reading, or watching television?
5. The secretary is just beating a paper on the writing machine.
6. She goes shopping on saturdays.
7. Now I'm doing my english homework.
8. I don't like coffee.
9. What book are you reading?
10. When does John wake up in the morning?
11. What do you do on free days?
12. To whom are you sending a call?
13. He doesn't go to school with the subway, he goes by foot.
14. Why are you opening the windows?
15. Often times I read books in english.
16. She is making her luggage.
17. How much do you write your parents?
18. When I go to the beach I like to swim a lot.

cristianagaia2017: Se poate,spune si " She is preparing her luggage, She is getting pack",She is packing ..?Sau nu?Întreb
mihai123456756: "She is getting pack" nu merge
mihai123456756: Celelalte merg
cristianagaia2017: Mulțumesc .. Dar get packing?
mihai123456756: Ai putea sa zici "Get packing" ca in "Apuca-te sa-ti faci bagajul" dar nu merge "She get packing", ar merge "She needs to get packing" = "Trebuie sa isi faca bagajul". In plus "get packing" ar fi mai mult intr-o conotatie negativa: "Cara-te".
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