Engleza, întrebare adresată de Andreizxz, 8 ani în urmă

4 Use of English: word formation Read this text and use the correct form of the words in capitals below to fill the gaps. My uncle works as a (0) journaliet. He writes for lots of different newspapers and magazines including some (1) journals. He also helps make television (2) of various kinds. One of the things he enjoys most is going to see stage ( 3)........... so that he can then write reviews. He has (4) to a lot of newspapers and magazines from other countries, and he reads the (5)............ carefully to see what are to other people's (6) world events. Last week my uncle took me to see some wonderful African (7) They are called Orchestra Baobab' and they come from Senegal. They were all really fantastic but the (8) impressed me most of all. Uncle Peter had a special (9)………………………….. to a party after the concert and he took me with him. I was introduced to all the band members and they gave me a copy of their latest CD and a t-shirt with all their (10) on it. (0) JOURNAL (1) SCIENCE (2) DOCUMENT (3) PERFORM (4) SUBSCRIBE (5) EDITOR (6) REACT (7) MUSIC (8) GUITAR (9) INVITE (10) SIGN n n​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Rubertzel


1. scientific

2. documentary

3. performances

4. subscribed

5. editorials

6. reactions

7. musical

8. guitarist

9. invitation

10. signatures

Alte întrebări interesante